
Home to an incredible variety of wildlife.

Wildlife in Edge of the Cedars State Park

A haven for birds

Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum is home to an incredible variety of wildlife. Located in Blanding, Utah, this museum and its surrounding area are a haven for birds and other animals alike. From raptors to small mammals, visitors will find an abundance of species that call Edge of the Cedars home.

Mountain Lion

The majestic mountain lion is one of the park’s most iconic inhabitants. These powerful cats can be seen roaming the cliffs and plateaus surrounding Edge of the Cedars, where they hunt small mammals including deer, rabbits and porcupines. Mountain lions are solitary animals that mainly come out at night to hunt, so visitors may not catch a glimpse of them during daytime visits.

Desert Tortoise

The desert tortoise is another species that can be found around the park. These turtles are well-adapted to survive in the hot, arid climate of Edge of the Cedars. They spend their days foraging for food and resting in burrows they dig into the ground for shelter from extreme temperatures. As these animals can live up to 50 years, visitors may get the chance to see some of the same tortoises from year to year.

Gila Monster

The Gila monster is a large lizard that can be found near the park. This species is one of the few venomous lizards in the world, although their bite is not fatal to humans. These colorful creatures are nocturnal and spend most of their time hiding in burrows or under rocks during the day. At night they come out to hunt insects and small rodents.

Great Basin Rattlesnake

The Great Basin rattlesnake is a fascinating species that can be found around the Edge of the Cedars. These snakes are well-camouflaged and blend in perfectly with the rocky terrain of the park. They mainly hunt small mammals such as mice, rabbits and squirrels, but they will also feed on lizards and other reptiles. Great Basin rattlesnakes give off a loud warning rattle before striking to ward off potential predators.


The park is also home to the jackrabbit, a large species of hare that is well-adapted to living in arid climates. These rabbits feed on cacti and other desert plants, which helps keep the vegetation around Edge of the Cedars healthy. Jackrabbits are also prey for mountain lions and other large predators, so visitors should be aware of their presence.

American Bullfrog

The American bullfrog can be found in the ponds and streams surrounding Edge of the Cedars. These large frogs are excellent swimmers and spend most of their time in the water, where they hunt for insects and other small animals. Bullfrogs communicate with one another by producing deep croaks that echo through the park’s waterways.

Golden Eagle

The golden eagle is a magnificent raptor that can be seen soaring above Edge of the Cedars. These birds hunt small mammals, reptiles and fish in open areas near the park. They have keen eyesight, which helps them spot potential prey from high up in the sky. Golden eagles are also known to build large nests in tall trees, providing visitors with the opportunity to witness their impressive aerial acrobatics.

Peregrine Falcon

The peregrine falcon is another raptor that can be seen around Edge of the Cedars. These birds have pointed wings and fly at incredibly high speeds, making them one of the fastest animals on earth. Peregrine falcons hunt other birds in the sky, using their speed and agility to catch their prey. They are also known to build nests on high cliffs, giving visitors a great chance to spot them.

Desert Cottontail

The desert cottontail is a small mammal that can be found around Edge of the Cedars. These animals are well-adapted to living in hot, arid climates and feed on grasses, shrubs and other vegetation. Desert cottontails are also prey for predators such as coyotes and mountain lions, so visitors should be aware of their presence while exploring the park.



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