
A spectacular destination for outdoor enthusiasts

Wildlife on Antelope Island State Park

A haven for wildlife.

Antelope Island State Park is a spectacular destination for outdoor enthusiasts at the Great Salt Lake in Utah. The park offers an incredible variety of wildlife and vegetation, making it a must-visit location for nature lovers. From the majestic bison and pronghorn antelope that roam across its grasslands to the diverse bird species that inhabit its wetlands, the park is a haven for wildlife.

The bison and pronghorn antelope are especially well-known species on Antelope Island. John Dooly brought the first bison to the island in 1893 and they have roamed ever since. People can see herds of these animals grazing across the grasslands as they look out onto the Great Salt Lake. The pronghorn antelope, once native to the area, was reintroduced in 1993 and can now be seen grazing alongside the bison.

In addition to these larger mammals, Antelope Island is also home to a variety of smaller wildlife species. Coyotes, mule deer, bobcats and foxes all live on the island, with the coyote being the most active. The park also supports several different bird species. During the summer, when water levels rise, shorebirds such as avocet and white-faced ibis are abundant. Common birds include scissor-tailed flycatchers, red-tailed hawks, and great blue herons.


John Dooly, who owned the island in 1893, is credited for introducing the bison to Antelope Island. The bison population quickly flourished, and by the mid-1900s, the herd increased to over 800 head. Today, there are about 500 bison that roam the island’s grasslands and visitors can see them grazing alongside the pronghorn antelope.

The best way to observe these majestic animals is from afar, as they are wild and tend to become agitated when approached. Bison are known to charge at people when they sense danger. Visitors should also take caution when driving through the park, as visitors can often see bison crossing the roads or roaming alongside them.

Bison in Antelope Island are unique due to their genetics. They come from the original herd introduced to the island, which is pure stock from ancient North American bison. The animals found in Antelope Island State Park are physically different from other state and national parks and have a smaller and more efficient digestive system.
Buffalo at Antelope Island State Park

Bighorn sheep

Visitors brought bighorn sheep to Antelope Island State Park in the late-1990s and now roam freely across its grasslands. These majestic creatures are easily identifiable by their large horns, reaching up to three feet long on males and one foot on females.

The bighorn sheep live in small herds of 10 to 15 individuals, led by a dominant ram. They feed on grasses, shrubs, and even cacti when no other food source is available. During the summer months, tourists can see the animals grazing in the early morning and late afternoon hours as they search for food.

Bighorn sheep can be seen throughout the park but tend to stay away from heavily trafficked areas. For the best chance of spotting these animals, visitors should stick to trails that stay away from roads and campsites. Along with bison, they are one of the main attractions at Antelope Island State Park, so keep your eyes peeled while exploring!

Thanks to conservation efforts, their population has grown over the years and is now estimated to be around 200 individuals. For visitors looking to observe these majestic creatures, late spring and early summer is the best time to visit. During this period, the rams often engage in head-butting battles with each other as they compete for dominance within their herd.

Bird Species

The diverse landscape of Antelope Island State Park provides a variety of habitats for a wide range of bird species. During the spring and summer months, visitors can expect to see a wide array of shorebirds, such as avocet, white-faced ibis, and American avocets. Guests may also spot northern harrier hawks or ospreys soaring through the sky in search of food. Other common bird species at Antelope Island State Park include scissor-tailed flycatchers, great blue herons, killdeer, and red-tailed hawks.

Antelope Island State Park is a unique and beautiful area with abundant wildlife. From bison to bighorn sheep and from birds to pronghorn antelope, there is something for everyone at the park. Visitors should take caution when visiting Antelope Island State Park as many of the animals are wild and can become agitated if approached too closely. With a bit of patience, visitors will be able to observe these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat and appreciate the beauty of this unique park.



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